Saturday 6 February 2016

Considering our instincts

One thing I’ve learnt in my life time is considering my instincts in my dealing with things. Certainly, I ain’t the only one who has made this consideration. We humans a times prefer to die down our inner voices and simply follow contributions made by some other external forces (friends, family etc.). To that, I would say it isn’t bad at all, but one's own opinion matters more. I would simply like to portray that the inner voices, the instincts, those silent voices that never speak often times turn out to be the most productive direction we make in a life time. One that you ordinarily wouldn’t expect to be of any help whatsoever.

Someone once said,”think big, start small, but start now”. And guess what…this statement is often times not scrutinized as many want to start big and big. You only have to nurture your thoughts and get them mature. 
One of our basic tasks on earth is contributing to other people's lives.
An excerpt  from theminimalists;

If there is something in your life right now that you’ve been wavering on, a decision of should I or shouldn’t I?, just act on what you know is right. Act on that built-in voice. We guarantee you’ll fell great.

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