Sunday 8 November 2015

The joy of working the Job you want

I decided to write on this particular topic because it has formed a big part in deteriorating us for who we were designed to be.

Although a lot of persons would prefer not to admit this true to themselves - that they are doing the wrong job, maybe because of the good sum they are being paid at the end of every month.

But come to think of it in a sincere sense,

Is that job really worth doing?
Does it give you happiness ?
What satisfaction do you derive from?
Does it take most of my time?
Is it what you've all this while longed to do?
Does it deprive your family the love you are supposed to share with them?
...And more.

Although it's understandable for those who don't have other alternating other than doing that one job.What about those who rather than doing their dream job when graciously available would prefer to do that other joy-killing job, reason - usually being that the latter pays off huger amount of cash.

Why wouldn't we all simply choose to do tang one dream job and live a restful,worriless and productive life.And develop it to whatever extent we can.

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