Wednesday 11 November 2015

Being oneself

It is a common trend in almost every community if not all communities to have a role model.

-Artists picks up one or more artist and looks up to his doings and tries to emulate them.
-Designers strive to be like that popular designer.
-Neurosurgeon Aspirant struggles to be better that like Ben Carson if not better.
-A would-be Engineer, Model, Lawyer just want to ensure that he ranks on top the fame  or success list if not on the same level with that perks who is already on top.

Quite alright is it to have someone to learn from. No one is an Island anyway. No one knows it all. This is why our parents sent to school - they don't know it all.

The issue now is,"If everyone decides to be that person, who would become everyone."All humans are created with different unique features which have no second copy whatsoever although they might have resemblances.
Sadly also, is the fact that most people never get know the distress the so-called role model bears.They(emulator) probably don't know if the model is trying to put an end to that which they is consuming.

The ideal idea about living is that every human should develop his individual self to its very summit, drill his ability and simply use it to develop humanity to a good extent.
You don't have to be an Einstein or a da Vinci to make that change.
Relativity Theory by Einstein most likely would be existing if Einstein wanted to be like you.In spite of his low grades in school.

Simply be that person you know "You" for.

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